Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zac Efron SNL

SNL's host this week was Zac Efron. While overall the episode was not anything extraordinary there were a few skits that were quite funny.

There was also a skit called army bound I can't find of Zac Efron leaving on a train and Casey Wilson running next to it which I thought was the best of the night. The one of Jason Sudeikis showing Zac Efron how to give a foot massage was also pretty funny. I thought the Gilly skit was funny the first time I saw it, but this time it didn't make me laugh at all. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs performed and I thought they did a pretty good job. The maps song sounded exactly like it does on Rockband. I didn't like the lead singers hair cut or her outfit, but I don't really care. I hope the upcoming episode with Justin Timberlake is really funny he's one of my favorite SNL hosts.

1 comment:

  1. Army bound sucked. I laughed once, but it was more of a cough then a laugh.

    The funniest one was when he went back to the High school and told them that no one sings or dances in college. The rest of the show was crap.

    The last best SNL was with Alec Baldwin and the Jonas Brothers.

    Why? Because I'm the eldest Jonas!
