Unfortunately, Heroes clearly needs some help. It is very apparent that they have no idea where they are going and they are just making it up as they go along. While they had many opportunities to turn the show around and make it great again they have ignored them and this last Monday's episode was TERRIBLE. I don't care about Angela's troubled past. While it did put some light on how the company was started the company has been dead for a while now so it was too little too late. I do realize that they are starting a new company or family as Peter put it, but I still don't need background information on the old company that didn't work. I didn't understand why Angela was making them all dig up a ton of bodies instead of just telling them what happened. I hated the whole part with Angela's long lost weather-controlling sister Alice. It was disturbing to see a 50 year old woman act like a 6-year-old. And what was with her blond curly hair? She didn't look anything like the actress that played her as a little girl or like she could be related to Angela for that matter.
I did however like how Angela said she was stealing socks for her sister and that takes you back to the first season where she was arrested for stealing socks. That is the only major link like that so far in this show and it reminded me of LOST...only not nearly as good. The episode ended in the patrelli family and HRG sitting in a diner watching the shape-shifting Sylar do a press conference as Nathan. We are now 2 episodes away from the end of the season and I feel like it has gone no where.
In my opinion they need to make many adjustments to make this show watchable once more. Here are a few suggestions:
Give Peter his frickin' powers back.
"Baby touch-and-go" needs to touch Peter and make him a bad ass again. He used to be the counterpart to Sylar and now Sylar has gained about 5 more powers while Peter is down to struggling to swap one power at a time and it is driving me crazy. He made the show and if you haven't noticed he was a bad ass... the show was awesome, he sucks now...so does the show. There's a correlation there that the writers apparently haven't noticed. You know what else? Bring back Caitlin.
You know, Peter's love interest the Irish girl from season 2. While she wasn't all that attractive and her accent wasn't very good I liked her a lot. They just phased her out. I guess she's lost in a future that they stopped from happening... I'm not sure how that works. I liked the interactions between her and Peter and let's face it we need more of Peter.
Make Mohinder a Hulk (but not green).
I think this is clearly where they should have gone with the Mohinder character. It would be awesome. It's such a waste that he is now just wandering around still trying to find out stuff about his dad.
I'm glad Ali Larter's character Tracy died.
However, a piece of her broken face winked so I think she might come back which would make me sad :( Don't do it.
Give Hiro all his powers back.
"Baby touch-and-go" gave Hiro back his ability to stop time but not to teleport and he needs them both. While watching him wheelbarrow Ando out of a room full of government agents was mildly amusing the second time with Matt Parkman was annoying. Just let the dude teleport come on.
Quit trying to display Claire's emotional turmoil.
Brutal. I preferred watching her bones pop out.
If they do these few things the show would be a million times better.
Maybe they should fire their staff of writers...