Monday, July 20, 2009

Battlefield 1943

Recently we have switched from COD4 to Battlefield 1943. I love this game. Due to the unexpected amount of purchasers the first week was a little rough. It was hard to get into a game, would freeze and the squad feature wasn't working. However, now almost all the bugs are fixed and playing is a really fun experience. There are the 3 original maps:

Plus the air plane only map Coral Sea which was unlocked after the online community reached 43,000,000 kills.

As you see above you can fly planes (and parachute from them) in this game, but you can also drive tanks, jeeps and boats.

The point of the game is for your team to capture as many flags as possible. This works best if you work in a squad and organize strike points. The controls aren't clunky, the graphics are good and the kills usually seem fair. This game is only $15.00 so I'm waiting to hear your excuse as to why you don't have it yet.

LA Ink

This is the only reality show I watch. I love watching people come in with a vague idea of what they want and watching the tattoo artist make it actually turn out awesome. These people are amazing artists. I also love how people can bring in pictures of people they love and both Kat and Corey can make their tattoo look exactly like the picture if not better. I don't have any tattoos myself but if I could think of something I would want on my skin forever I would feel honored to have these people draw it on there.

This season Hannah and Kim are gone :(

I will miss them they added a lot of spirit to the show. Kat has been really busy with her other career endeavours (book, cosmetic line and merchandise) so her little brother hired Aubry Fisher to be their new shop manager but she doesn't know how to do anything so she's just slowing them down.

Kat just hired a new artist named Amy in hopes that she would fit in. So far she hasn't really found her niche and since she's only been tattooing 4 years Kat isn't all that impressed with her stuff but I think she has potential. Her make up is scary as hell but other than that I really like her and hope she gets better. We're only 2 episodes into the new season so hurry up and get watching.
Thursdays @10pm on TLC

Sweeney Odd

I watched Sweeney Todd last night and finished feeling a mixture of hatred and delight. A barber with a beautiful wife is thrown into prison for a crime he didn't commit by a judge infatuated with his wife. After 15 years in prison he makes his way back to London to exact his revenge. I knew going in that Tim Burton enjoys making strange movies, playing with color pallets and walking the fine line of discomfort.

Even still there were points in this movie that shocked me into laughter. I really felt that I was watching a play instead of a movie (yes I know it is based off a Broadway musical). The story itself is very strange and most of the "plot twists" I could see coming from a mile away. I hated all but one character (a little boy named Toby)

and I did not understand or believe the "love" between Anthony and Johanna.

At times it felt to me that some scenes that should have been short and entertaining became long and somewhat boring because they had to fit a song into it. However, as a whole it was very entertaining. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are very good singers and work amazingly well together. The murders and disposal of bodies was so brutal it came off as comical which somewhat lightened the mood of an incredibly dark film. While the setting itself looked like something I dreamed up after eating some bad food I found myself mesmerized by the colors and textures.

Overall I would say it's definitely worth watching, but I wouldn't buy it.